Sales performance
Sales performance
Free your sales team from stagnation.
Typical situation
Your team knows where to go. You have already invested in trainings and seminars, incentives and tools. And yet the sales results are unsatisfactory. What to do?
Common pain points
Too little revenue
Poor conversion rate
No sales mindset
No can-do attitude
Lack of customer centricity
Tools aren't being used
Sustainable sales success with TheNextWe
Without TheNextWe
  • You invest 4-6-figure sums in sales training, the effect of which fizzles out after a short time.
  • Your team spends many hours or even days in seminars instead of selling.
  • You have to regularly replace employees - at signifcant cost - in the hope that this will solve the performance problems.
With TheNextWe
  • You achieve a guaranteed change in sales behavior.
  • Your employees solve their challenge "on the job" with a small time invest (1h/week).
  • You achieve measurably better sales results with your existing team.

Support your salespeople where it actually matters: in their day-to-day work.

Thanks to the TheNextWe® app and our specially trained coaches, your sales reps achieve their goals from anywhere and whenever it suits their schedule.

TheNextWe App
Measurable goal achievement
Focus on a concrete sales target
High learning factor
Exercises, reflections, surveys, learning modules
24/7 accompaniment
1:1 meetings and chat with the personal coach
Concrete action plan
Step-by-step success through milestones and rewards
Companies that drive change with TheNextWe
The TheNextWe effect:
8 times more effective than training
Each component of the TheNextWe® program is designed to anchor new sales behavior in your employees' day-to-day sales activities. At comparable costs, this is over 8 times more effective than the use of trainings and seminars.
Your sales team
sales employees
TheNextWe Logo
87% effectivity
17 sales employees sell differently.
traditional sales training
10% effectivity
2 sales employees sell differently.

What our customers say

  • Peter Albiez
    “We achieved great results with TheNextWe in our sales force. Their digital coaching is a reasonable investment with a big impact. My recommendation: Do it!”
    Peter Albiez
    former Country Manager
    Pfizer Germany
  • Stephan von Bülow
    “As a mid-sized company, coaching had never really been our focus. TheNextWe did an excellent job and our investment paid off quickly. I recommend it.”
    Stephan von Bülow
    Eugen Block Holding GmbH
  • Kerstin Oster
    “For us as a municipal utility, digitalization is an important and sometimes challenging step towards modernization. TheNextWe has optimally supported our leaders in developing an effective mindset for the associated change.”
    Kerstin Oster
    HR and Social Affairs Director
    Berliner Wasserbetriebe
  • Jochen Brenner
    “TheNextWe coaches P&G managers in their personal development. It's amazing how effective digital coaching can be and what's possible within 12 weeks. We'll continue!”
    Jochen Brenner
    Associate HR Director
    P&G DACH
  • Thomas P. Meier
    “Together with TheNextWe, we succeeded in realizing the mindset for an internationally successful company. Thanks to individual coaching which led to a new, collective movement. This was the liberation we were looking for.”
    Thomas P. Meier
    Chief Executive Officer
    Ricola Group
TheNextWe in the press
What our customers experience
A change of perspective changes everything.
Find out how Pfizer Germany's sales force dramatically improved its sales performance by changing its perspective in our program.
270% more Digital Customer Conversations at Pfizer Germany
Talk to an expert
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Frequently asked questions
Will the program also work in my sales team?
What languages is the program available in?
Is the program suitable for employees with little sales experience?
Can't this be done with sales trainings and workshops?
How many employees can participate?
How can sustainable behavior change be achieved in 12 weeks?
My pain point is not listed above. Can I still talk to TheNextWe?